The Wolf Wiki

When you create your character, you have the option choose from various types of wolves. As you gain experience and level up, you may want to develop your wolf by choosing its abilities and skills. Also the wolf the you choose describes your avatar.

Wolf types

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Name Description Picture
Gray Wolf The mighty Gray Wolf is the most common of wolves, can fight any enemy with its razor sharp teeth.
Hud avatar grey wolf
Black Wolf The Black Wolf feels great in tundra and forests, where it can hunt down its prey in the blink of an eye.
Hud avatar black wolf
White Wolf Fast and dangerous, White Wolves can survive freezing cold weather and defeat their enemies in extreme conditions.
Hud avatar snow wolf
Mexican Wolf Mexican Wolves are smart, fast and skilled in deadly ambushes.
Hud avatar mexican wolf
Dhole Wolf The Dhole Wolf is a superb predator. Fast, agile and extremely strong - will defeat even most difficult enemies.
Hud avatar dhol
Dark wolf Dark wolves are cunning and skilled creatures, able to attack when no none is expecting them.
Golden wolf Golden wolves warm colored fur makes them look friendly, but their strength shouldn't be underestimate.
Great wolf Majestic and strong great wolves are unstoppable, when it comes to their goal to make the forest their kingdom.
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Mighty wolf The mighty wolf lives up to its name as a powerful and dangerous animal fearing no enemy.
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Silver wolf Beneath the inconspicuous ashy coat of the silver wolf, hides extraordinary power and skill.
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Siberian wolf Raised in the far north, Siberian wolves can endure extreme conditions.
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Timber wolves The large, fierce northwestern timber wolves are born leaders of the pack.
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Frost wolf Frost wolves coat has scars created by the touch of ice that makes them exude a cold aur
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Fire wolf Born from the burning lava, the fire wolf emanates with hot power.
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Poison wolf Poison wolves look mysterious as their green toxic blood shines through their coat.
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The attributes defining your wolf are Health, Defense, Attack and Speed. You can increase their level using your coins in the customization panel or during the game. Detailed values are available in your character statistics.

The maximum level for Speed is 60, Defense is 65, and for Health and Attack - 750.
